August Ning

August Ning

Email: aning [🌀] princeton [⏺] edu
Twitter: @ataugustning
Linkedin: @atning

I am graduating in 2025 and am on the job market for industry research and academic postdoc positions. Please reach out if you think we’ll have a good fit. Thank you!

I am a senior Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD candidate at Princeton. I am advised by Prof. David Wentzlaff in the Princeton Parallel Group.

I did my undergrad at Duke in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I was advised by Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty and his graduate students and conducted research on VLSI testing.

I spent summer 2023 interning at AMD Research, mentored by Yasuko Eckert.

I am supported by Princeton’s Gordon Y. S. Wu Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.


Research Interests

My research focuses on computer architecture under (very broadly defined) economics constraints. I am interested in how semiconductor supply chains, manufacturing costs, and economic trends ultimately affect chip and system designs.

Closer to traditional computer architecture, I am interested in sustainability, hardware security, chiplet architectures, and software-hardware co-design via the DECADES Project.

Additionally, I am passionate about building research and student communities. I serve on the Computer Architecture Student Association steering committee and often organize social events with the Princeton computer architects. I am the graduate liason for Princeton ACM. If you’re ever in the Princeton area or meet me at a conference, please reach out and say hello!



Github / Google Scholar / CV

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